dario42 dijo:
Hola matrushko haber si te sirve el siguiente link es un poco antiguo y el test esta hecho con una lumix GF-1 .
Un saludo
Sin duda es un análisis extensísimo.. pero buscando la palabra "sweet point" o "sweet spot" más bien, o cosas como "maximum performance" o "peak".. no me sale nada específico del "f" ... igual está con otro nombre, y me lo he pasado por alto. ¿Tú lo has visto? No he leído el artículo entero claro.
Me he ido a otro que sí habla de sweet spots pero es una locura, a ver si alguien entiende mejor los tecnicismos (stopp down será cerrar diafragma no?, y asi)
copio párrafo (por si a alguno le interesa profundizar. Yo me quedo con que está el sweet point entre f8 y f11 y para casa:
Shot wide open at wide angle (ƒ/4 at 14mm), the lens shows good results for sharpness, with a good sweet spot in the middle of the frame (~1.5 blur units) falling off to slight corner softness (~2 blur units). Stopping down provides only a marginal gain in sharpness at this focal length at ƒ/5.6, and by ƒ/8 diffraction limiting sets in. By ƒ/11 the corners are creeping up to 3 blur units and the central sweet spot of sharpness is only a small point; by ƒ/16, sharpness is average (~2 blur units in the center, 4 in the corners), and by ƒ/22 the corners are reaching 6 blur units.
Zoomed in, the lens shows its flaws to some degree. Our sample showed some slight de-centering at 70mm and greater; performance wide open at ƒ/5.6 is similar to wide-angle performance, a sweet spot of sharpness with corner softness. It's managed by stopping down; at 150mm and ƒ/11, there's a good spot of central sharpness in the range of 1.5 blur units, and corners in the 3-4 blur unit range. Stopping down further doesn't produce any further gains, and by ƒ/22 the lens produces images of around 4 blur units across the frame."
lo que voy a aprender de inglés jate tú.